Eaglets: Grade RR - R

The Grade RR and R girls (affectionately known as “Eaglets”), enjoy an active and balanced curriculum all within a caring and nurturing environment. Both Grade RR and R centre their learning through play, with, Grade R adding short periods of teacher-directed language and numeracy, in preparation for Grade 1.

Our Eaglets thoroughly enjoy their Art and Music activities, and their participation in the annual nativity play is a highlight of the Junior School calendar. Our girls look forward to their Free Play time where their imaginations come to life in the fantasy corner, their brains kick in to gear in the cognitive zone, their creative skills come alive in the Art Room, their senses are stimulated in the outdoor sensopathic area and their gross motor skills are developed on the playground.

In Grade R, our girls take pleasure in participating in “Buddy Sport”, where the emphasis is on the acquisition of basic skills and group participation. Our Grade RR girls participate in our Learn to Swim programme.

Our Eaglets attend a weekly, age-appropriate, chapel service with our school chaplain, as Christian worship, values and principles are the foundation of our school life.

The school provides a free of charge after-school care programme, which is run by our teaching staff, from Monday – Friday until 17h00 for Grades RR – 7.


As St John’s D.S.G. is a small school, with only one class per grade in our Junior School and three per grade in our Senior School, we encourage you to apply early.